Summer is a time to enjoy the great outdoors, but it is also important to keep safety in mind.
Consider the following tips, provided by the
National Fire Protection Association, to keep you and your family safe all summer long.
When using a charcoal grill, only use starter fluids designed for barbecue grills; do not add fluid after coals have been lit.
When using a gas grill, ensure the hose connection is tight; check hoses for leaks. Applying soapy water to the hoses will easily and safely reveal any leaks.
When camping, always use a flame-retardant tent and set up camp far away from the campfire.
Always build a campfire downwind from the tent area. Clear vegetation and dig a pit before building your fire. Extinguish the fire before going to sleep or leaving the campsite.
Store liquid fire starter (not gasoline) away from your tent and campfire and only use dry kindling to freshen a campfire.
Source: Servpro